Canon EQ80 imageRUNNER ADVANCE 4025i
25 ppm print speed with a Reversing Duplex ADF as standard and strong sustainability credentials
Reliable, A3 black and white multifunctional printers perfect for busy offices that aim to efficiently meet document needs while delivering strongly on your sustainability objectives
Oleme valinud EQ80 sarja jaoks viimaste aastate enimmüüdud mudelid ning ehitanud need ümber, rakendades Canoni pikaajalist tootmispädevust taskukohaste ja kvaliteetsete multifunktsionaalsete printerite tootmiseks. Iga EQ80 sarja toode on valmistatud vähemalt 80% ulatuses juba olemasolevatest osadest ja komponentidest, vähendades seeläbi tootmisega seotud CO2 heitkoguseid kuni 80%.
25 ppm print speed with a Reversing Duplex ADF as standard and strong sustainability credentials
45 ppm print speed with a Reversing Duplex ADF as standard and strong sustainability credentials
Olge paremini ühendatud ja kasutage pilveühenduvust läbi ühe integreeritud lahenduse. uniFLOW Online lihtsustab prindihaldust ja vähendab kulutusi tänu nutikale auditeerimisele, eelarvestamisele ja aruandlusele. Töötage nutikamalt, skannides korraga mitut objekti. Skannimise mitmikkärpimise ja töötlemise seadistused tagavad täpse väljundi.
This smart A3 office multifunctional provides busy workgroups everything they need to create, output, capture and share documents efficiently – from an all-inclusive configuration and user-friendly operation, to flexible output control and security options combined with proven reliability and strong sustainability credentials.
25 ppm
A4 B&W printing
8.4” touchscreen
8.4” (21.3cm) TFT SVGA Colour Touchscreen
Print, copy, scan
Store, send & optional fax
2,280 sheets
Max media capacity
Trusted security
Advanced security capabilities
Work with mobile devices
Easy Device & cloud management.
Environmentally sustainable
Discover more about the imageRUNNER ADVANCE Series
This smart A3 office multifunctional provides busy workgroups everything they need to create, output, capture and share documents efficiently – from an all-inclusive configuration and user-friendly operation, to flexible output control and security options combined with proven reliability and strong sustainability credentials.
45 ppm
A4 B&W printing
8.4” touchscreen
8.4” (21.3cm) TFT SVGA Colour Touchscreen
Print, copy, scan
Store, send & optional fax
2,280 sheets
Max media capacity
Trusted security
Advanced security capabilities
Work with mobile devices
Easy Device & cloud management.
Environmentally sustainable
ENERGY STAR ® and Blue Angel Ceritifed
Discover more about the imageRUNNER ADVANCE Series
Highly productive multifunctional mono A3 printer that places environmental efficiency first by reducing CO2 omissions by up to 80%
High-quality multifunctional printers with significantly reduced carbon footprint